Be The Bush Recovery Ministries: Witnessing God's Redemption Through Recovered Lives.

Discover how Be The Bush Recovery Ministries embodies the belief that if God can use a bush, He can transform the lives of recovered addicts. Join our community to witness the power of redemption and restoration.

Our Vision

Our vision at BTB Recovery Ministries is to see men set free from the bondages of addiction and any life controlling issue. We want to see them walking in a completely new identity. One where they don’t identify as men in recovery, but RECOVERED! 

 We are a faith based drug and alcohol rehabilitation program based off of the nationally renowned program Teen Challenge, which has an 87% success rate of graduates. Recidivism rate is currently 86% after graduation. We believe that a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and a born again experience allows the student to walk into a new identity and not even be the same man that he was while addicted to drugs and alcohol and to be completely set free from any signs of it. 

 The Bible teaches that if any man be in Christ he is a new creation. Be the Bush Recovery Ministries is a discipleship program. Our vision is to teach men who God really created them to be. Our vision is to see them established as Godly men and productive members of society.

If God can use a bush, 

He can use a RECOVERED addict.


Get started with BTB RECOVERY MINISTRIES, today.